
Prospects for cooperation between the Institute of Physical Problems of the Baku State University and the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS were discussed

Prospects for cooperation between the Institute of Physical Problems of the Baku State University and the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS were discussed

Today Institute of Biophysics of ANAS held a meeting with the head of the “Theoretical Physics” department of the Institute of Physical Problems, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Niftali Gojayev and a group of delegates.

The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize with the activities of the institute and discuss prospects for cooperation between the two structures.

First of all, the guests met with the director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Oktay Gasimov. The Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Institute of Biophysics, Doctor of Biological Sciences Karim Gasimov, leading research scientist of the laboratory “Structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules”, Ph.D. Associate professor Rasim Aslanov, Chief Researchers at the Department of Theoretical Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Namig Ahmedov, Doctor of Physical Sciences Larisa Ismayilova and others participated at the meeting as well.

At the round table, Oktay Gasimov informed the guests in detail about the institute, its activities, and international relations. The professor also spoke about the research work carried out with modern equipment in the laboratories of the institute, and achievements made.

Then the head of the department of “Theoretical Physics” of the Institute of Physical Problems, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Niftali Gojayev, told that the department of “theoretical physics” was established on the basis of the laboratories of “Molecular Biophysics” and “Quantum Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules” and spoke about the structural analysis of proteins and peptide molecules.

At the end of the meeting between the parties, the importance of exchange experiences was noted.

date 15 February 2019