
The regular meeting of the Scientific Council was held

The regular meeting of the Scientific Council was held

Today a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS was held.

The event was opened by the Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences Karim Gasimov, who informed Council members with the issues on the agenda.

The first issue on the agenda was the discussion and approval of the work programs, stages and individual work plans of the laboratories at the Institute of Biophysics for 2019. The issue has been discussed and approved.

Then the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council K.Gasimov informed the Council members about the memorandum of cooperation signed between the Institute of Biophysics and the Khazar University on January 24 of the current year.  He noted that the signed document would give impetus to the expansion of ties between the two parties.

Another issue on the agenda was the matter of the academic adviser of scientists Rouhallah Moradpour and Mahshid Damandan Ph.D. candidates of the Khazar University working in the medical faculty of the University of Ardebil in the Republic of Iran. Discussions were held and scientific supervisors of the Ph.D. candidates were approved.

Later, members of the Council were informed about the Order of the President of ANAS Akif Alizadeh № 63 dated February 5, 2019, about the competition “Young women in science”.  Two young scientists from the Laboratory “Structure, Dynamics and Function of Biomolecules” were nominated for participation in the competition: Aytaj Guliyeva and Laman Dashdamirova.

At the meeting, the decision on the establishment of the Attestation Commission for the selection of the scientific staff was also discussed and approved.

date 19 February 2019