
The regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics was held

The regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics was held

On June 25, 2020, a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics was held.

Correspondent member of ANAS, Professor Oktay Gasymov opened the meeting with the introductory word and informed Council members with the issues on the agenda.

First of all, the issue of holding elections for vacant scientific positions announced in the “Respublika” newspaper on March 11, 2020, was considered.  At the meeting of the Council, an open vote was held for the positions of scientific researcher and senior scientific researcher, as well as a secret vote for the position of head of the laboratory and leading scientific researcher. According to the results of the voting, Ph.D. Karim Guli Gasimov was elected head of the laboratory “Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry”, Ph.D., prof. Tokay Huseynov was elected head of the laboratory “Ecological biophysics”, Cand. of Phys. and math. sci., Assoc. Prof. Rasim Bakhtiyar Aslanov was elected leading researcher of the laboratory “Structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules”, Ph.D. in Biology, Assoc. Prof. Mursal Zubayil Dadashov was elected leading researcher of the laboratory “Ecological biophysics”, Cand. of Biol. Sci. Sevinj Hagverdi Jafarova was elected senior researcher of the laboratory “Ecological biophysics”, Arzu Hatamshah Aydamirova was elected scientific researcher of the laboratory “Structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules”, Sevinj Yavus Huseynova was elected scientific researcher of the laboratory “Ecological biophysics”.

It was decided to submit the results of the voting to the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS for approval.

Then, the meeting participants discussed the issues of approving individual work plans for doctoral and dissertation students who entered the Institute of Biophysics in the 2019–2020 academic year, the results of attestation of dissertators for Ph.D. preparation, appropriate decisions were made.

In conclusion, some current issues were discussed.

date 25 June 2020