
The meeting of the Scientific Council was held

The meeting of the Scientific Council was held

On February 10, the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) was held.

The meeting was opened by the General Director of the institute, a corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, who informed the Council members about the issues on the agenda.

At the event, the results of the winter exam session on the specialty “Biophysics” were widely discussed.

Speaking on this issue, O.Gasimov noted that all the necessary conditions for the winter examination session were met at a high level, objectivity was observed in the assessment of students’ knowledge. The scientist added that during the session, the administration of the institute kept the examination process in the center of attention and monitored the progress of the exams. He also noted the need to hold regular meetings with them in order to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, as well as the level of assimilation of knowledge by undergraduates. The Chairman of the Council noted that extracurricular laboratory classes should be organized to improve the scientific level of undergraduates.

Then head of the Department of Education and international relations, Ph.D. in Astronomy Hamail Adigozalzade spoke about the results of the winter exam session of Master students and the preparation works for the next semester.

At the meeting, the program and syllabuses of the subjects allocated to the specialty and specialization intended for the II semester in the Master’s degree curriculum of Higher Education on the specialty “Biophysics” at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS were discussed and approved.

In conclusion, the results of the competition held among young scientists at the Institute of Biophysics on the occasion of Youth Day were announced.

The scientific secretary of the Institute, Ph.D. in Biology, associate professor Florida Mehraliyeva brought to attention that the competition was held by the number of scientific articles published in 2021, as well as by scientific achievements. Following the results of the competition, the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute, researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Matanat Bakhishova was awarded an honorary diploma for successful work in 2021.

Presenting the diploma to M.Bakhishova, the General Director of the Institute Oktay Gasimov congratulated the young scientist and wished her success in further scientific and social activities.

date 10 February 2022