The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held

19 fevral, 2019 145 Views

Today, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS was held.

The meeting was opened by the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Karim Gasimov, who introduced the members of the Council to the items on the agenda.

The first issue on the agenda was the approval of the stages of scientific research and individual work plans for the laboratories of the institute for 2019. After discussion, the issue was approved.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Council, K. Gasimov, informed the Council members about the memorandum of cooperation signed on January 24 between the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS and Caspian University. He noted that the signed document would promote the expansion of cooperation between the two institutions.

The next issue on the agenda concerned the scientific supervision of PhD candidates Ruhullah Muradpur and Mehshid Damandan, who are working at the Faculty of Medicine of Ardabil University in the Islamic Republic of Iran and are PhD candidates at Caspian University. The issue was discussed, and the scientific supervisors of the candidates were approved.

Then, information was provided to the members about the "Young Women in Science" competition, organized by the Decree of Academician Akif Alizadeh dated February 5, 2019, No. 63. The candidacies of Aytac Guliyeva and Leman Dashdemirova, young researchers from the "Structure, Dynamics, and Functions of Biomolecules" laboratory at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS, were nominated for participation in the competition.

The meeting also discussed the creation of an attestation commission for selecting scientific personnel. Recommendations were given, and the decision was approved.
