A scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Biophysics on the topic "Molecular-structural basis of the formation of the bioelectric signal network (Network)"

03 may, 2024 293 Views

A scientific seminar on the topic of "Molecular Structural Basis of the Formation of the Bioelectric Signal Network" was held at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Opening the seminar with an introductory speech, the Director of the institute, corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Oktay Qasimov, greeted the participants and emphasized the importance of the seminar's topic. He provided information about the research directions and then gave the floor to the head of the "Cellular Signal Transmission" laboratory, Ph.D. Taleh Yusifov.

Following the presenter's instructions related to the topic, she stated that their recent research focuses on the regulation of cellular physiology by ion channels associated with bioelectric signal function. Particularly, BK channels play a significant role in the formation of various cancer cells, including breast cancer cells, neuroblastoma cells, glioblastoma cells, and human astrocytoma cells. Therefore, BK channels could be potential targets in cancer treatment. While the physiological effects of Ca2+-dependent BK modulation are intriguing, the fundamental mechanism of ion conductance regulation remains unknown.

To understand the early molecular events underlying Ca2+-dependent BK modulation and differentiate the effects of multiple cytoplasmic ligands on BK channel function, they apply purified human GR (Gating Ring) under physiological conditions using biochemical and spectroscopic methods.

Their results show that the BK channel converts the free energy of the GR into mechanical work and converts the chemical energy of Ca2+ binding into mechanical energy to drive channel function.

After listening to the presentation, seminar participants expressed their questions and thoughts on the topic.

At the end of the seminar, the Director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, Oktay Qasimov, thanked Ph.D. Taleh Yusifov on behalf of the participants and the institute's leadership for the interesting and informative presentation.
