The research conducted jointly by the Institute of Biophysics MSE AR and the National Oncology Center AR has been published in an international journal

26 dekabr, 2023 227 Views

The work, carried out by scientists from the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic and Education and the National Oncology Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has been published in the high-impact factor journal "Acta Naturae". O. K. Gasymov, M. J. Bakhishova, R. B. Aslanov, L. A. Melikova, J. A. Aliyev, titled "Membrane Partitioning of TEMPO Discriminates Human Lung Cancer from Neighboring Normal Cells," ACTA NATURAE, 2023, v15(59), 111-119.

In the article, the distribution of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) spin probe in human lung normal and carcinoma cells was investigated, and the influence of lipid composition on the cell was evaluated. The objective was to identify potential strategies for cancer treatment based on membrane properties. The research was conducted at pH values of 7.3 and 6.2, corresponding to the microenvironment of normal and cancer cells, respectively. The distribution of TEMPO was determined in the temperature range of 283K to 317K to assess the efficacy of local hyperthermia used in chemotherapy. The results indicate that the membrane penetration rate of TEMPO for human lung cancer cells is significantly higher compared to neighboring normal cells. Results obtained with C12SL (the spin-labeled analog of lauric acid) suggest that the relatively high membrane dynamics observed in cancer cells could be a possible mechanism for the observed increased TEMPO distribution. TEMPO and its derivatives are considered as theranostic agents in cancer research. The article demonstrates that using TEMPO derivatives can pre-assess the effectiveness of complementary alkalinization and hyperthermia for standard chemotherapy applied to cancer patients. This work is one of the factors ensuring an individual approach in the treatment of cancer diseases.
