EPR method in biological research - scientific seminar

01 April, 2024 263 Views

A scientific seminar dedicated to the topic "EPR Method in Biological Research. Characterization of Cell Membrane in Healthy and Carcinoma Lung Conditions using EPR Method" was held at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the "Science Day".

The opening remarks of the seminar were delivered by the Director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, Oktay Qasimov, who welcomed the participants and wished success to the speaker, M. Bakhishova.

Then, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Laboratory's scientific worker Matanat Bakhishova gave a presentation, providing information about the EPR spectroscopy method and its operational principles, as well as discussing its application in medicine and biology and highlighting its advantages over other spectroscopic methods.

Subsequently, M. Bakhishova provided detailed information about the results obtained and conducted at the Institute of Biophysics of the Republic of Azerbaijan on healthy and carcinoma lung conditions. During the research conducted using the spin probe of laurin pickle, it was determined that the dynamics and permeability of cancer cell membranes are higher than those of healthy cell membranes. Additionally, she discussed the significance and practical importance of the research conducted using Tempo spin probe and its modified forms.

At the end of the seminar, questions were asked on the topic, and scientific discussions were conducted.
