
The reporting and election meeting of the NAP of the Institute of Biophysics was held

The reporting and election meeting of the NAP of the Institute of Biophysics was held

organization of the NAP Institute of Biophysics of ANAS was held.

The meeting was attended by the administration of the Institute, Chairman of the Yasamal district organization of the NAP Bakhtiyar Nabiyev, chief adviser of the NAP Elnara Mustafayeva and members of the NAP Institute.

Opening the event with an introductory speech, General Director of the Institute of Biophysics, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov noted that the purpose of the meeting is related to the report and the election of a new composition of the first territorial party organization NAP of the Institute.

Then the chairman of the Yasamal district organization of NAP Bakhtiyar Nabiyev told about the history of the establishment of NAP, the role of territorial organizations in its activities and gave the floor for the report to the chairman of the territorial party organization of NAP of the Institute, the general manager, Ph.D. in Medical Sciences Azad Abdurakhimov. In his speech, A.Abdurakhimov spoke in detail about the activities of the first territorial party organization at the Institute of Biophysics over the past years, about the events held.

At the end, new elections were held for the position of chairman and deputy chairman of the first territorial party organization of the NAP Institute. As a result of the elections held by open voting, the general manager of the Institute, Ph.D. in Medical Sciences Azad Abdurakhimov was elected chairman of the first territorial party organization of the NAP, and a specialist of the HR department Konul Aslanova was elected deputy chairman.

date 16 December 2021