The next bureau meeting of the Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Technical Sciences was held

09 October, 2019 116 Views

On October 8, 2019, the next bureau meeting of the Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Technical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (NASA) was held at the Institute of Biophysics of NASA. The event was attended by the vice-president of NASA, bureau members, heads of scientific institutions, as well as several scientists and specialists.

The meeting was opened by the academic secretary of the division, academician Nazim Mammadov, who introduced the agenda. He mentioned that, in addition to the report titled “Is the 125 GeV mass boson really the Higgs boson of the Standard Model, or is the existence of new neutral bosons with spin 0 and 2 a reality?” a number of scientific organizational and personnel matters would also be discussed.

The report was presented by the deputy chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan, member-correspondent of NASA Veli Huseynov. He noted that on July 4, 2012, in the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, a new neutral boson with a mass of around 126 GeV was discovered, and its properties matched those predicted for the Higgs boson of the Standard Model. The analysis results indicated the presence of some deviations from the Standard Model.

During the discussion, academicians Nazim Mammadov, Telman Aliyev, members of NASA Academician-corr. Eminega Sadigov, Bilal Bilalov, Oktay Qasımov, Baku State University professor Serhaddin Abdullayev, and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Shakir Nağıyev shared their opinions and suggestions.

The vice-president of NASA, academician Rasim Aliquliyev shared his views on the report, noting that it is an important issue for the priority areas of Azerbaijani science. He proposed that research in these priority fields be continued, and necessary financial resources be allocated for further development.
