The next seminar was held at the Institute of Biophysics

07 October, 2019 717 Views

On October 4, 2019, the next scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS. During the seminar, the report presentations of the participants of the "VI Russian Biophysicists Congress" were presented.

The seminar was opened by the director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Oktay Qasımov, who emphasized the importance of holding seminars regularly in this format.

During the seminar, there was an exchange of views, and the following presentations were made: the report by the head of the "Ecological Biophysics" laboratory, PhD in Biology, Professor Tokay Hüseynov, on "Comparative evaluation of changes in glutathione peroxidase and catalase activity during nitrite exposure in isolated human erythrocytes", PhD in Biology Ruhiyya Quliyeva on "Fluorescence expression of blood serum as an express method in evaluating nitrite intoxication", PhD in Chemistry Sevil Mehherremova on "Resistance of human erythrocytes to hemolysis under the effect of a high-voltage electric field (50 Hz)", and senior researcher Arzu Aydəmirova on "Analysis of lung cancer biomarkers using FTIR spectra of human blood plasma".

Additionally, young scientists from the "Biomolecules Structure, Dynamics, and Function" laboratory presented thesis reports: Aytac Quliyeva on "Characterization of hydrophobic clusters of serine using ANS: stationary and time-resolved fluorescence", Aida Məmmədzadə on "Characteristic features of aggregation kinetics in fibroin solution", and Leyman Suleymanova on "Transient kinetics of free radical recombination in fully hydrated fibroin solution after ultraviolet irradiation."

At the end of the presentations, discussions were held, and remarks, feedback, and suggestions were shared.
