An educational seminar titled "My First Scholarship" was hel

14 March, 2019 184 Views

On March 14, 2019, an educational seminar for young specialists was held at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS.

The seminar was organized by the Young Scientists and Specialists Council of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS and the Young Scientists and Specialists Council of the Central Botanical Garden of ANAS. During the seminar, a presentation titled “My First Scholarship” was delivered by Farid Seyfullayev, Chairperson of the Young Scientists and Specialists Council of the Central Botanical Garden of ANAS and a doctoral student.

In the seminar, conducted in a format of mutual exchange of ideas, F. Seyfullayev shared his experience with young specialists, providing detailed information on the necessary documents for participating in scholarship programs, which are frequently researched by young people, the registration processes, and how to pursue tuition-free education abroad.

The seminar was attended by students from the SABAH group of Baku State University, young scientists, master's and doctoral students who were doing internships at the institute.
