A scientific seminar on "Bioelectric signals: functions and pathophysiology" will be held at the Institute of Biophysics

18 September, 2023 213 Views

On 21 September 2023, at 1500, a scientific seminar on "Bioelectric signals: functions and pathophysiology" will be held at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the seminar, the head of the "Cell signal transmission" laboratory, Ph.D. Taleh Yusifov will speak.

We invite those interested to participate in the seminar.

Brief information:

Ion channels create an ionic current and ensure the formation of bioelectrical signals. Bioelectric signals, as part of the body's signaling network, are important for the functioning of the heart and nervous system, and play a key role in physiological processes such as differentiation, reproduction and apoptosis. Abnormal activity of bioelectrical signals can cause heart, muscle and cancer diseases. The latest research shows that pathological conditions related to bioelectrical signaling can be normalized by adjusting its function. Thus, the manipulation of the bioelectrical signaling mechanism can be considered as a new therapeutic strategy in the treatment of cancer and other diseases.
