A meeting was held between the Institute of Biophysics and the Institute of Oil and Chemical Processes

24 January, 2019 182 Views

Today, a meeting was held at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS with the Director of the Oil and Chemical Processes Institute named after academician Y.H. Mammadaliyev of ANAS, Full Member of ANAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Vagif Abbasov, and Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Doctor of Technical Sciences Hikmat Ibrahimov.

During the meeting, the guests were introduced to the institute's laboratories. The scientific research conducted at the institute was highly appreciated by the staff of the Oil and Chemical Processes Institute, and the prospects for further collaboration were discussed.

The guests were accompanied by the Director of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Oktay Gasimov.

In conclusion, Professor Vagif Abbasov, highlighting important measures taken at the Oil and Chemical Processes Institute to train highly qualified specialists in the field of chemical sciences, expressed interest in conducting joint scientific research with the Institute of Biophysics, which is equipped with modern equipment.
