A meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Biophysic

08 November, 2018 219 Views

Today, a meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS. The meeting was opened by the director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Oktay Gasimov.

According to the agenda, the scientific mission report on the visit to Italy by Oktay Gasimov and Azad Abdurrahimov, Deputy Director for Innovation and Transfer, was reviewed and approved, along with the annual reports on the scientific and organizational activities of the institute’s laboratories and departments.

Subsequently, the issue of organizing events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Baku State University was discussed.

After the relevant decisions were made regarding the agenda items, the members of the Scientific Council moved on to discussing current issues. It was noted that partial changes had been made to the composition of the Scientific Council in accordance with the decision of the Division of Physical, Mathematical, and Technical Sciences.
