Hungarian scientist, Professor Geza Safrany, delivered a scientific presentation on the topic of "Gene Therapy of Tumors."

22 June, 2018 296 Views

Professor Geza Safrany, the coordinator of the joint grant No. 6282 in the European Union, awarded by the Ukraine Science and Technology Center, was invited to Azerbaijan.

On June 20-21, 2018, he visited the Institute of Biophysics, where he familiarized himself with newly acquired spectroscopic equipment. Professor Geza Safrany held engaging discussions with the director of the Institute of Biophysics, Professor Oktay Gasimov, as well as other colleagues regarding potential future collaborations.

On June 22, in the assembly hall of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Professor Geza Safrany, head of a department at the Hungarian National Institute of Health, delivered a scientific presentation on the topic of "Gene Therapy." The event was organized jointly by the Institute of Biophysics, the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, and the Institute of Radiation Problems within the framework of the project "Synthesis of Tryptophan Complexes with Certain Biogenic Metals and Investigation of Their Radioprotective Properties."

In his presentation, Professor Geza Safrany highlighted that research conducted on mice demonstrated the effectiveness of gene therapy in tumor diseases, particularly brain tumors. This is because gene therapy enhances the body's anti-tumor resistance through the immune system and becomes even more effective when applied alongside chemotherapy.

At the end of the seminar, Professor Geza Safrany thoroughly answered the participants' questions.
