An employee of the University of California delivered a report at the seminar of the Institute of Biophysics

04 July, 2023 222 Views

The Ministry of Science and Education's Institute of Biophysics hosted a scientific seminar. Novruz Ahmadov, a Ph.D. and researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), delivered a presentation titled "ZBED4 Incompatibility Alters Cell Morphology, while PNR Loss Changes Count: Fact or Fiction?" The seminar took place in an open dialogue and interesting discussion format, where the speaker provided detailed information about the types, characteristics, scientific and practical significance, and components of scientific research, accompanied by numerous examples related to the topic.

The presenter noted that ZBED4 is a member of the BED subfamily of Zn-finger proteins. It contains four DNA binding domains and a dimerization region. In human embryogenesis, ZBED4 is localized in the nuclei, internal segments, and pedicles (foot processes) of podocytes, as well as beneath the endfeet of Müller cells.

In the adult mouse embryogenesis, ZBED4 has been detected only in the foot processes and protrusions of Müller cells. ZBED4 interacts with both DNA and RNA oligonucleotides with a minimum of five consecutive G nucleotides.

It forms dimers within the cell. Application of the luciferase assay system demonstrates that ZBED4 possesses transcriptional activation capability.

After the presentation, a member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and a biology doctorate, Professor Ilham Shahmuradov, a biology doctorate, Professor Tokay Huseynov, a candidate of biological sciences Taleh Yusifov, , the laboratory director of the National Oncology Center and a philosophy doctorate in biology Leylakhanim Malikova and others expressed their questions and opinions regarding the topic.

At the end of the seminar, the institute's director and ANAS member, Oktay Gasimov, thanked Ph.D. Novruz Ahmadov on behalf of the participants and the institute's management for the engaging and informative presentation.
