A report meeting for the laboratories for the year 2022 was held at the Institute of Biophysics

05 December, 2022 142 Views

The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan was held.

The event, chaired by the Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Oktay Gasanov, included reports from laboratory heads and project leaders about the scientific and organizational activities of the laboratories at the Institute of Biophysics in 2022.

The meeting was attended by the heads of the Institute's laboratories: Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Integrative Biology, Biomolecular Structure, Dynamics and Function, Ecological Biophysics, Molecular and Cellular Oncology — Dr. Kerim Gasanov, Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Ilham Shahmurodov, Professor Tokay Huseynov, Dr. Leylaxanım Məliikova, as well as relevant scientific collaborators — Associate Professors Rasim Aslanov, Sevinc Jafarova, Dr. Zarifa Osmanli, who presented reports on the key scientific research results conducted in the laboratories in 2022, their scientific and practical significance, articles published in internationally indexed journals, grant projects, staff training, integration of science and education, participation in conferences, international scientific relations and collaboration.

Commenting on the presented reports, the Director of the Institute, Professor Oktay Gasanov, highlighted the success of the scientific activities of the laboratory staff in the current year. He noted that the research in the laboratories focused on two main topics, and two important scientific results were achieved this year. Furthermore, 12 papers by the Institute's staff were published, two of which were published in international journals with high impact factors, Q1 and Q2. Throughout the reporting year, the Institute’s papers received 278 citations. He also added that the Institute’s researchers continued their international collaboration and conducted research with colleagues from Turkey, the USA, Italy, Pakistan, Switzerland, Belarus, and France.

Afterwards, a wide discussion was held on the reports, and questions and suggestions were raised. The members of the Council and the invited experts, including Professor Nağı Musayev of the Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the Biology Faculty of Baku State University, highly appreciated the work carried out in the Institute’s laboratories this year.

In the end, an open vote was held, and the annual reports on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the laboratories for 2022 were unanimously approved by the members of the Scientific Council.

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