Поздравляем Флориду Мехрəliеву с 45-летним юбилеем

01 November, 2022 136 Views

Today marks the 45th birthday of Florida Radik qizi Mehraliyeva, the Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Biophysics and Doctor of Philosophy in Biology.

Florida Radik qizi Mehraliyeva was born on November 1, 1977, in Yalama village, Khachmaz district. In 1994, she graduated from secondary school No. 213 in Baku and enrolled in the Faculty of Physics at Baku State University. In 2000, she successfully completed her master's degree in "Thermal Physics and Molecular Physics" under the "Physics" program at the Faculty of Physics, Baku State University.

In 2003, she entered the postgraduate program at the Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (AMEA). Starting in 2004, she began her scientific career as a junior researcher at the "Ecological Biophysics" laboratory of the same institute and continued her work in the field of her dissertation. In 2014, under the supervision of Prof. T.M. Huseynov, she defended her dissertation and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology. In 2019, she was granted the academic title of Associate Professor.

From July 2004 to February 2017, F. Mehraliyeva worked as a junior researcher, researcher, and senior researcher at the Institute of Physics, AMEA. Since February 2017, she has worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Biophysics, AMEA, and since 2018, she has served as the Scientific Secretary.

We sincerely congratulate Florida Mehraliyeva on her 45th anniversary, wishing her good health, happiness, and many more years filled with peace and joy!
