The next meeting with the master's students was held at the Institute of Biophysics

11 October, 2022 167 Views

On October 11, the next meeting with the first and second-year master's students of the Institute of Biophysics was held.

The aim of the meeting was to assess the quality of the current year's educational process, the level of knowledge retention by the master's students, and to check attendance.

The meeting was attended by the Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of ANAS Oktay Gasanov, Executive Director, Ph.D. in Biology Kərim Gasanov, Head of the Public Relations Department Xəyalə Həsənova, Head of the Education Department, Ph.D. in Astronomy, Associate Professor Həmayil Adıgözəlzadə, Specialist of the same department Südabə Səlimova, and the institute's master's students.

During the meeting, discussions were held on the topics studied by the master's students, and questions raised were answered. Professor Oktay Gasanov noted that such regular meetings with the master's students would continue in the future and urged the students to be more active and disciplined in their classes.
