The graduation day of the "Science and Innovation" program was held

09 July, 2024 331 Views

With the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and organized by the “Bir Könüllü” Student Cooperation Public Union's “Science and Innovation” program, a program was held for students in three modules. In the training module, seminars and lectures on current topics in their fields of study were organized for the students. In the practical experience module, they were involved in hands-on laboratory work in private enterprises. In the general module, students acquired skills such as searching and using scientific metric databases, writing scientific reviews, and citing references.

Exams were organized to assess the knowledge and skills of the participating students. To graduate from the program, participants submitted a thesis, which was checked for plagiarism using the TURNITIN system, which has a large database.

When awarding degrees to participants, exam results, mentors’ feedback, thesis quality, and overall activity were considered.

It is noteworthy that 30 students were selected from nearly 500 applicants to the program. These selected students participated in various scientific and practical training sessions at relevant scientific research institutions, including the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, under the mentorship of Matanat Bakhishova. They became familiar with the institute's modern laboratories and equipment, learning the principles and operating procedures of the devices.

The graduation ceremony of the program was held at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. The General Director of the IMBB, academician Irada Huseynova, spoke at the event, congratulating the young participants and emphasizing that the future of Azerbaijani science depends on their knowledge, skills, and efforts. At the end of the event, students who successfully completed the program were awarded certificates, and institutions that supported the program were presented with letters of appreciation.
