
An event dedicated to the “Day of Science” was held

An event dedicated to the “Day of Science” was held

On March 14 and 15, 2019, at the Institute of Biophysics of a seminar dedicated to the “Day of Science” was held.

Director of the Institute, correspondent member of ANAS, Professor Oktay Gasymov opened the event with the introductory word and informed the participants of the seminar with the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated April 9, 2018, on the establishment of the “Day of Science” and about the approved Action Plan by the Scientific Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 17, 2019.

At the seminar devoted to the topic “Current problems of molecular biophysics and molecular biochemistry; future perspectives” at first made a speech the head of the laboratory of the Ecological Biophysics of the Institute, Dr. in Biology, Prof. Tokay Huseynov, who spoke in detail about the actual problems of modern biophysics and biochemistry in Azerbaijan science. Then j.r.s. of the laboratory “Structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules” Ramiya Hasanova presented a report on the topic “Components of Cell Membranes and Their Distinctive Features”.

On the second day of the event, presentations on popular science reports were continued with the participation of scientists and specialists. First, head of the laboratory of “Integrative biology” of the Institute of Biophysics, doctor of Biological Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Ilham Shahmuradov made a slide presentation on “Integrative biology and bioinformatics”. Then, young scientists made reports: Hava Adli the student of the Department of Life science of the Khazar University on “Effect of chronic periodontal therapy on microbiome of GCF (gingival crevicular fluid)”, Najafaliyeva Shalala from the Baku State University on “New Method of preparation Microelectrode Holders “, Zarifa Osmanli from the Institute of Biophysics on “Anti-sense transcripts”.

Concluding the event, Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Institute of Biophysics, Dr. of Biological Sciences Karim Gasimov noted the importance of holding such events and thanked the seminar participants.

date 15 March 2019