
Institute of Biophysics continues its scientific activities remotely

Institute of Biophysics continues its scientific activities remotely

According to the decision of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 14, 2020 on the introduction of a social isolation regime in the country, all scientific research institutions of the republic temporarily suspended the experimental part of their activities. In connection with the above decision, the ANAS Institute of Biophysics team continues its scientific activities, observing the conditions of social isolation and the requirements of a special quarantine regime.

A certain part of the research work provided for in the Action Plan for 2020 was carried out by the scientific staff of the institution in January-March of the current year. Currently, based on the results of these studies, employees write articles, edit the collected materials. More than 5 papers are submitted for publication in such scientific collections as “Azerbaijan Chemical Journal”, “International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research”, “Biomedicine”. Also, in the Laboratory of Integrative Biology, research has begun on the study of the genomes of various coronaviruses and the comparative analysis of their proteins.

Also the research work on 6 joint grant projects is ongoing in the scientific institution, 4 of which are international and 2 are republican. During the quarantine period scientists discuss, analyze and summarize the results of studies that were carried out as part of the projects before the introduction of a special quarantine regime (from January to March), based on these materials, scientific papers are being prepared for publication.

According to the results of the competition announced for 2020-2021 as part of a joint scientific cooperation program signed between ANAS and the Italian National Research Council (CNR), a joint project of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS and the Institute of Macromolecular Research (Italy) “Modulator of functional aggregation amyloid: silk fibroin as a cheap model to study the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s” won a grant. A joint paper on this project has already been prepared for publication”.

Also, following the decree of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, the distance learning process for masters, which began on April 3, 2020, is successfully continued by the teaching staff of the institute.

date 16 April 2020