
Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics was held

Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics was held

On may 22, 2020, a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics was held.

The participants in the  meeting provided information about the medical and preventive measures taken in our country to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the special quarantine regime, the existing modern health infrastructure, recently opened medical centers, the production of medical masks, as well as international cooperation in this field.

It was noted that the government of Azerbaijan managed to prevent a serious threat by implementing of all preventive measures in connection with the threat of COVID-19.  The work carried out by President Ilham Aliyev in this area has become a guarantee of preserving the health of our people.  In the current difficult conditions, our state is doing everything necessary to solve the social problems of our citizens.

Then, the report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the scientific researchers of the Institute of Biophysics for the first half of 2020 was discussed.

At the event, it was noted that proposals on the tasks facing the Institute of Biophysics in the post-pandemic period were prepared and submitted to the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS. It was pointed out that these proposals include issues such as cell technology, in particular the creation of a hybridoma, as well as the organization of the synthesis of oligonucleotide primers.

In conclusion, the scientific secretary of the institute, Ph.D. in biology Florida Mehraliyeva noted that the distance learning process for masters, which began on April 3, 2020, is successfully continued by the teaching staff of the institute. She noted that classes for first-year master students of the institute are held online in accordance with the corresponding schedule.  Second-year master students undergo remote scientific and pedagogical practice with the participation of scientific supervisors.

date 22 May 2020