
Scientific Council of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences held a regular online meeting

Scientific Council of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences held a regular online meeting

On July 24, a regular online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS (DPMTS) was held.

The event was attended by vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Academic Council, academician Rasim Alguliyev, council members, heads and scientific secretaries of research institutions, heads of public relations departments and representatives of trade union organizations, young scientists and specialists, as well as heads of territorial organizations party “New Azerbaijan” in institutions and councils of women and veterans.

Initially, academician Rasim Alguliyev said that by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, an active member of ANAS Tayyar Jafarov was awarded the “Shohrat” order. He congratulated academician T. Jafarov on this high state award and wished the scientist success in his future activities.

Rasim Alguliyev noted that recently the country’s leadership has been paying special attention to such issues as the protection and expansion of the scientific and technical potential of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the determination of priority areas of fundamental and applied scientific research in accordance with the strengthening of the country’s defense power, ensuring its security, and developing the non-oil sector. , the solution of the socio-economic, cultural and moral problems of the republic.

Speaking about some instructions and recommendations given at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS on July 16, 2020, academician Rasim Alguliyev said that at the meeting, the president of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev spoke about events aimed at the active participation of scientists of ANAS, representatives of the intelligentsia, as well as young scientists and specialists in the process of objectively informing and educating society in such matters as the fight against the COVID-19 virus, socio-political processes taking place in the light of the purposeful, successful policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, etc.

Recalling the speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 15, 2020, the Chairman of the Academic Council said that the important issues of the socio-political life of the country touched upon in the speech of the head of state, his thoughts on Armenia’s attack on Azerbaijan, as well as on the events of our recent history The President’s decisive position has attracted the attention of the entire public.

The academician stressed that this historic speech of President Ilham Aliyev was thoroughly discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS, which took place on July 16, 2020: “At the meeting, the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev emphasized that in his speech, Mr. President spoke in detail about the dangers threatening our country and the attitude of the state to these problems. Anyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland should take this speech seriously and adopt the political direction indicated by the President. “

Then the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov, director of the Institute of Control Systems, academician Telman Aliyev, vice-rector of the National Aviation Academy, corresponding member of ANAS Afig Hasanov, chairman of the National Center for Nuclear Research CJSC, academician Adil Garibov, director of the Institute of Physics, academician Nazim Mammadov, head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Physics, academician Arif Hashimov, director of the Institute of Biophysics, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov and director of the Shamakhyi Astrophysical Observatory, corresponding member of ANAS Namik Jalilov.

The speakers noted that they fully support the flexible and decisive actions of the Supreme Commander in connection with the suppression of the provocation of the Armenian armed units in the Tovuz direction of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border, as well as the domestic and foreign policy of the head of state in general, and expressed gratitude to the President on behalf of all scientists for their concern and the attention he gives to the development of domestic science.

In their speeches, scientists highly appreciated the purposeful policy carried out in connection with the elimination of problems that arose during the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and noted that in addressing such issues and educating the public, a great responsibility lies with representatives of the intelligentsia.

Speaking about the provocations that are taking place in a number of cities in Europe and the United States, the scientists emphasized that the persons who committed these actions in relation to our compatriots should be punished accordingly.

Also, the members of the Academic Council of DPMTS stressed the need for close rallying around the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and added that the scientific teams and scientists of ANAS will always be guided by the tasks set by Mr. Ilham Aliyev in his historic speech.

The next on the agenda was the question of research programs that are planned to be financed within the budget of the scientific institutions of the Division for 2020. The members of the Scientific Council unanimously supported the projects presented by the heads of research institutions and adopted a resolution on submitting them to the Presidium of ANAS.

During the discussion of scientific and organizational issues, the members of the Academic Council adopted a resolution to raise a petition to the leadership of ANAS and the republic to hold the 100th anniversary of the world famous Azerbaijani scientist, honorary member of ANAS, Professor Lotfi Zadeh.

Then, at the event, the relevant resolutions were adopted on holding in 2021 the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, as well as international conferences “Electronic infrastructures for the Eastern Partnership countries” (with the support of the European Commission) and “Problems of cybersecurity of industrial management systems” (with the support of NATO).

The next for consideration were the issues of holding the 70th anniversary of ANAS Corresponding Member Kamil Aydazade, professors Kamil Mansimov and Knyaz Mammadov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Gambar Guluyev, 65th anniversary of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Nariman Ismayilov, as well as awarding PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Janmammad Rustamov.

Further, the project of the Certificate of Honor of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS was presented. The project was unanimously adopted by the board members.

The online meeting also addressed personnel issues. According to the adopted resolutions, Doctor of Technical Sciences Gambar Guluyev was appointed Deputy Director of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS for Technologies, Doctors of Biological Sciences Kerim Gasimov and Tokay Huseynov were appointed heads of laboratories of the Institute of Biophysics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics Rasim Aslanov and PhD in Biology Mursal Dadashov – as leading scientific workers.

In conclusion, some important questions were discussed and questions were responded.

date 25 July 2020