
At the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS the scientific report of the young scientist was heard

At the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS the scientific  report of the young scientist was heard

On April 9, 2021, at the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS the next online scientific seminar  was held.

The seminar was opened by the general director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, who gave information about the young scientist to the participants of the seminar.

At the seminar, the report of the junior research scientist of the laboratory Structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules, PhD. student Laman Suleymanova on the topic ”Structural-dynamic changes occurring in protein monolayers”  was heard.

In her report, she spoke in detail about the monolayer protein and its production, the principle of operation of the Langmuir-blodgett device, the effect of Cu2 + ions on monolayer fibroin, experiments conducted on the topic and the results obtained. According to the young scientist, all biological processes occurring in organisms occur either directly through the process of regulation, in which proteins participate, or by their regulation. The various functions performed by proteins are closely related to their molecular structure and dynamics. Therefore, one of the most important problems of biophysics is the study of the relationship between the structure, dynamics and function of proteins.

She noted that widespread neurodegenerative diseases all over the world, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Prion, etc. occurs as a result of amyloid formation and stressed the importance of discovering the mechanisms of amyloid release and exploring ways to prevent it. L.Suleymanova noted that during the joint work in the laboratory, the effect of Cu+2 ions on the fibroin protein was studied and the presence of cu+2 ions in the composition of amyloids was found.

At the end of seminar, the discussions around the topic were held and the questions were answered.

date 09 April 2021