A commemorative event was held at the Institute of Biophysics on March 31 Genocide

29 mart, 2024 249 Views

A commemorative event dedicated to the March 31 Genocide of Azerbaijanis was held at the Institute of Biophysics.

Initially, there was a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the March 31 Genocide and the dear memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Then, the Director of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, addressed the participants, shedding light on the history and significance of the March 31 Genocide. Emphasizing that this event is one of the most tragic events in the history of Azerbaijan, he highlighted the importance of keeping its significance and memory alive for future generations.

Following this, Matanat Bakhishova, a scientific researcher at the Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Laboratory of the Institute, delivered a speech. She touched upon several important topics related to the March 31 Genocide. Bakhishova emphasized the importance of thorough research and analysis in the scientific community regarding this historical event, highlighting the critical role such research could play in uncovering historical truths, defending human rights, and achieving various other objectives. She also noted the significance of these investigations in understanding the potential impact of genocide on our lives.

At the end of the event, a video clip dedicated to the March 31 Genocide of Azerbaijanis was screened.
