
Azerbaijani and Turkish scientists have achieved significant results in the fight against Covid-19 and cancer

Azerbaijani and Turkish scientists have achieved significant results in the fight against Covid-19 and cancer

Recently, extensive research has been conducted on anti-virus and anti-cancer peptides in the fight against viruses and cancer. In addition to the fact that bioactive peptides are not toxic to the human body, they also have very effective anti-viral and anti-cancer properties.

According to the Cooperation Agreement signed between the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) as a result of joint research conducted under the Joint Program, the cationic EQRPR peptide obtained on the basis of hydrolysis of rice bran protein could be used in the fight against cancer and Covid-19 infection, and the mechanisms of their action were studied.

The research is led by the director of the National Oncology Center, academician Jamil Aliyev, director of the Institute of Biophysics, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, professor of Baku State University Niftali Gojayev, and professor Sevim Akuyuz from Turkey.

Both theoretical (molecular docking, molecular mechanics) and experimental (Fourier Transformer Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, Circular Dichroism and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) methods are widely used in complex research. In addition, both point D-isomer changes of the EQRPR peptide and complete D-isomer peptides were synthesized and changes in their pharmacological properties were studied.

It should be noted that scientists of the two countries for the first time using the method of molecular docking showed complexes of peptides and their D-isomer analogs with ACE2, SARS-CoV-2 virus with S- and Mpro proteins, as well as possible clinical profiles, were determined by calculating the combination constants of the complexes. The EQRPR peptide studied has been shown to be multifunctional.

According to experts, the peptide can bind to a number of important integrins. It can be widely used in the fight against both SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and cancer.

One of the important results is that the multifunctional peptide can be modulated by carrying out D-isomer changes at different points in the binding property of different proteins. The secondary structure of the EQRPR peptide was calculated by various spectroscopic methods, and the spatial structure was calculated on a theoretical basis. The successful combination of experimental and theoretical results is commendable.

Preliminary studies in lung cancer cells have shown that the EQRPR peptide interacts with the cell membrane. Important results from the project were published in a high-impact international magazine “Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling” (Evaluation of anti-cancer and anti-covid-19 properties of cationic pentapeptide Glu-Gln-Arg-Pro-Arg, from rice bran protein and its d-isomer analogs through molecular docking).

In conclusion, it should be noted that research work of significant clinical and fundamental importance is underway.

date 03 September 2021