The co-authors of the “Evaluation of anti-cancer and anti-covid-19 properties of cationic pentapeptide Glu-Gln-Arg-Pro-Arg, from rice bran protein and its d-isomer analogs through molecular docking simulations” article are director of the National Oncology Center, academician Jamil Aliyev, director of the Institute of Biophysics, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov, professor of Baku State University Niftali Gojayev, and professor Sevim Akuyuz from Turkey. The article was published in a high-impact international journal “Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling” included in “ELSEVIER” scientific base.
The article was written within the framework of a joint program under the cooperation agreement signed between the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK).
See the following link to read the paper: