
At the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics a number of important issues were discussed

At the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics a number of important issues were discussed

On June 14 a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS was held.

Opening the meeting, the Chairman of the Scientific Council, Director-General of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov acquainted the members of the Council with the issues on the agenda.

First of all, he informed the members of the Council about the tasks arising from the special meeting of the Presidium of ANAS held on June 3, 2022, and dedicated to the results of ANAS participation in the Festival of Aviation, Cosmonautics and Technologies “TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan”. In order to improve the research work carried out at the Institute in the direction of the development of new technologies, and to ensure active participation of the institute in the 6th festival “TEKNOFEST”, which will be held in 2023 in Samsun, Turkey, O.Gasimov gave relevant instructions and recommendations to the heads of the laboratories.

Then, for the successful presentation of the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS within the framework of the Festival “TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan”, the researcher of the Institute Arzu Hatamshah Aydamirova was awarded an honorary diploma. Presenting the diploma to A.Aydamirova, the Director-General of the Institute Oktay Gasimov, congratulated the researcher and wished her success in further scientific and social activities.

In conclusion, a secret ballot was held to fill the vacant positions of researchers at the institute. According to the results of the voting, Aida Mayil Mammadzade was elected a researcher at the laboratory “Structure, Dynamics and Function of biomolecules”, Laman Mehman Suleymanova was elected a researcher at the laboratory “Structure, Dynamics and Function of biomolecules“, Matanat Jeyhun Mansurova was elected a researcher at the laboratory ”Molecular and Cell Biochemistry”, Banu Gubad Agamaliyeva was elected a junior researcher at the laboratory “Molecular and Cell Biochemistry”, Sevda Ayaz Mahmudova was elected a junior researcher at the laboratory “Molecular and Cell Biochemistry”. Also, Nurana Firuz Aliyeva was elected as an acting researcher at the laboratory “Integrative Biology”, and Aysel Chingiz Aliyeva was elected as an acting junior researcher at the laboratory “Integrative Biology” with a trial period.

date 14 June 2022